Chairman's award

1st Quarter 2024 Chairman's Award Winner

May 30, 2024

Brianna Murray has been awarded the Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union (MHV) Chairman’s Award for TALENT as announced by Gary Anderson, Chairman of the Board. Anderson maintains the value of the award is to encourage employees to go above and beyond, and acknowledge employees’ dedication and commitment to MHV.
TALENT is an acronym that represents the winning attributes of Top Performance, Availability, Leadership, Energy, New Vision and Teamwork.
The Chairman presented Brianna with the award at a recent Board meeting. 
“MHV is very proud of its’ employees for their daily commitment to both internal and external member service,” says Anderson. “It’s important to let employees know just how much they contribute to the success of the credit union by awarding those who consistently make the extra effort to go above and beyond.” 

Brianna began her career with MHV in 2022 and works as a Member Service Representative at our Fishkill Branch. Her recent accomplishments include receiving her Notary License and Medallion Certification. Brianna's manager, Kathleen Schiable, notes that she is a true team player and speaks highly of her excellent member service and willingness to help out wherever and whenever needed.

Brianna Murray with Gary Anderson, Chairman of the Board

Photo: 1st Quarter 2024 Chairman's Award Winner Brianna Murray pictured with Chairman Gary Anderson.