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Articles to Help You On Your Financial Journey

Happy couple who are consolidating debt
Credit, Loans and Debt

What are the benefits of debt consolidation?

Discover the meaning of debt consolidation and its benefits. Consolidate multiple debts for lower interest, simplified payments, and a clear path to becoming debt-free.
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  • Woman holding credit card
    Credit, Loans and Debt

    Everything you Need to Know About Credit

    Have you ever felt 100% confident about credit? Now you can. Get everything you need to know.
  • Woman holding MHV credit card
    Credit, Loans and Debt

    Quick-Start Guide To Your First Credit Card

    You’ve heard the horror stories. Piles of credit card debt. Killer interest rates. So how do you avoid the same mistakes? This quick-start guide gets you going in the right direction.
  • Couple applying for a personal loan
    Credit, Loans and Debt

    Can I Spend My Personal Loan on Anything?

    Can you really use a personal loan for anything? Just about. Here’s how personal loans work, why they’re often better than credit cards, and the 4 most common uses.
  • What to do after debt consolidation
    Credit, Loans and Debt

    Top 5 Things to Do After Debt Consolidation

    Understanding debt consolidation is important – but it’s what you do after you consolidate that very often determines whether or not it will work for you.
  • Couple looking concerned
    Credit, Loans and Debt

    Does Refinancing Impact my Credit Score?

    Ever thought about refinancing your car loan or mortgage? Then you’ve probably wondered what will happen to your credit score if you do refinance.
  • woman reviewing high-rate debt
    Credit, Loans and Debt

    Understanding Personal Lines of Credit

    What if you could get a loan that lets you access money only as you need it, instead of receiving (and paying for) a lump sum? That is exactly what a Personal Line of Credit offers you.
  • Man on phone
    Credit, Loans and Debt

    What do Deferments and Forbearances Mean?

    Navigating financial hardships is intimidating enough, and trying to understand the various options and terminology only makes asking for help feel scarier. But help for both consumer loans – things like car loans, personal loans, and credit cards – and mortgages is available and lenders are always willing to work with you.
  • Couple reviewing credit
    Credit, Loans and Debt

    What is a Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI)?

    Chances are, you know that your credit score is going to be a critical factor in how lenders will decide whether or not to give you a loan. But, your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is a number you need to be familiar with, too, especially if you plan on applying for any type of loan or mortgage.
  • family looking at document
    Credit, Loans and Debt

    Personal Loans vs. Lines of Credit

    So you need a Personal Loan. Or do you need a Personal Line of Credit (LOC) Aren’t they basically the same thing? Not exactly, and understanding the key differences will be important in determining which is the better option for you. Let's run through three of the biggest differences between Personal Loans and Lines of Credit:

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