Middle & High School Students Learning

Youth Financial Education

Giving middle and high schoolers the financial foothold they need

Let Them Learn Now so They Succeed Later

Middle and high schoolers. Money is starting to become important to them – some might even get their first jobs. But they need to manage their money responsibly. Because if they don’t learn now they may make long-lasting financial mistakes.

Your students need basic financial knowledge to get a solid start as they grow.

Here’s where they start:

 MHV real worldMHV Real World

Bring real-world simulation to your school. This in-depth program gives your students jobs, paychecks, and bills. They’ll be faced with the types of financial decisions adults make every day. Complete with the “Fickle Finger of Fate”, this workshop teaches the importance of budgeting and living within your means.


Money bag with check markIntro to Financial Responsibility

This workshop addresses the fundamentals of banking, including basic terminology, the difference between checking and savings accounts, and the importance of managing your money. Students will also learn why building good financial habits now will help them better manage their credit as they get older.